Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Matter What State I'm in...I'm in a Southern State of Mind

My first blog post EVER. The inspiration for this blog comes from the immense sadness of missing my college friends. Since graduation i've been in this limbo place where I have zero direction. I'm confused at what to do next, where to live, where to begin my career, everything! I know there are others out there who feel just like I do and that's why I'm starting this blog.

Here's a little update about me:

I graduated in May from the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I was a sorority girl with the best group of friends you could ever imagine. After graduating, I moved back home to the suburbs of Philadelphia to figure out what on earth to do next. My major was corporate communication and after failing to find a full time job that I was passionate about I went back to my love for working retail and have been happily doing that since October.

Hopefully, some of you can gain insight and help give me some advice on how to navigate this vague phase of LIFE!